Courses: 1 - 12 of 23
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Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series - 50 lessons
COMEDY MAKES LEARNING FUN This 2012-2013 comedy business series was created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown. This series will shock, amaze and entertain you, while at the same time teaching some important lessons in human interaction, in a way you won’t forget! 14 new titles relea... read more
Dancing With The Bogeyman
When the bogeyman comes knocking, you don’t have to fight, flee, or freeze - you can choose to dance. And, you get to lead. - Dr. Morris Massey It seems like every day something new hits the fan. Crises, war, recession, buyouts, takeovers, terrorists, AIDS, drugs, crime - we’ve got bogeymen lurking ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Decluttering the Office
Carol is on a mission to de-clutter the messy office so it’s tidy, motivating and safe. She implements a clean-desk policy but some team members don’t want to let go. Carol declares that anything left lying around will be thrown out or donated to Carlos the cleaner. Everyone reluctantly commences a ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence
Learn the subtle art of reading facial expressions and understand how our emotions are passed from one person to another almost like the common cold. Learn how "feel good" chemicals in the brain help you sync up with others and encourage rapport.A key (and very funny) scene in the film shows how emo... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Emotional Intelligence & Optimal Performance
Most people don't understand that a certain amount of stress is necessary for optimal performance. Knowing the right amount for you is one of the five keys to taying highly motivated and engaged. Other strategies include learning how to control overly negative thinking (especially worry), learning h... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ensuring Security
Staff must question strangers, check ID and speak up if they see something. Marcus reports the sad news to the team that Casey’s pet ferret’s ashes w
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing - only just! managing performance under pressure
Are you aware of how pressure effects your performance as a manager? As managers we can find ourselves squeezed between demands from ‘on high’ and resentments and lack of resources from below. With the phone constantly ringing and the emails flooding in, we can be stressed. We become inflexible, neg... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Managing Conflict At Work
The Art of Communication In today's fast-paced, high intensity work place conflict plays a major part in our everyday activities. From small disagreements to outright verbal battles, conflict is a normal part of most everyone's daily lives. Managing Conflict at Work The Art of Communication looks at... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Managing Stress
Five techniques for tackling tension.Arguments, always running late, not sleeping well, credit card debt, difficult co-workers; these are just a few of the many sources of stress identified in this program. Learn how to tackle real life stressors by following five simple steps: 1. Identify the sourc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Mastering Stress Series
Three videos to recognize, manage and become master over your own stress in the workplace.
Preparing for Emergencies
Marcus sets up a dangerous evacuation drill with dire consequences. Marcus and Carol wear safety jackets for a risk awareness meeting. Marcus affirms that as the manager, if an emergency presents itse
DVD style course with completion certificate only